By car
The shortest route from Athens is through the bridge of Rio Antirio. It is a distance of 420 km and the ride has an average duration of about 5 hours.
By bus
From Athens to Ioannina and vice versa, there are 10 bus routes daily. The distance of 420 km., is covered in about 6 hours.
Bus company communication number: (26510) 26286
By airplane
The journey by plane from Athens to the city of Ioannina and vice versa, is facilitated with 2 daily flights conducted by Olympic Airways and Aegean Air Lines lasting 1 hour and 5 minutes.
For flight information call: (25610) 26218, 23120
By car
From Thessaloniki the distance is 258 km. through the Egnatia freeway, and the average duration of the car ride is about 2.5 hours.
By bus
From Thessaloniki to Ioannina and vice versa there are 4 bus routes daily in the winter time and 6 in the summer time. The distance of 260 km. is covered in about 4 hours.
Bus company communication number: (26510) 26286
Upon entering the city of Ioannina, you are on Dodoni street. You follow this street, until you pass the main square of Ioannina, having the building of Epirus Prefecture to the left and a little further down the Clock Tower to your right. Continue straight on to Averof street, (continuation of Dodoni street.) until you find the castle walls and gate on your right, along with a taxi stop. There, you turn left and in 10 meters you will find Hotel Antique on your left.
In the image below you can find available parking spots around the hotel.